
Change Management

Successful change programmes result in increased morale and productivity. Ineffective management can result in disaster with emotional and commercial fallout. This course will provide effective methods for overcoming barriers to change.


By the end of the course delegates will be able to: understand and apply the principles and techniques of good time management

  • engage with the change process in a positive and empowering way
  • develop tools to make potentially difficult situations easier for you and your team
  • achieve positive outcomes both during and immediately after the change programme
  • understand goal and objective setting, so you can put practical action plans in place when you return to your organisation


  • delegates’ experience of change
  • a fundamental model of change; for organisations, teams and individuals
  • analysing the present; my team, my staff, myself
  • visualising the future; where do we want to be?
  • managing the transition; checklists and tools; unfreezing, moving, and refreezing: Kurt Lewin’s three phases of change
  • a detailed model for planning change
  • barriers to change
  • planning you own change programme
  • why change programmes fail; the most common errors
  • your own change programme; avoiding the most common errors

Suitable for

Individuals who are facing the challenges of going through a change programme.

A one day programme split into two half days